Big Four Psychometric Tests Preparation Guidance To Pass In First Attempt


Learn About Psychometric And Aptitude Tests

During the recruitment process, before you can advance to the interview stage you must first complete at least one psychometric test. It is vital that you start learning about these tests as soon as possible! They come in many forms and the specific test you are required to take depends on the business area and route chosen. Psychometric tests are designed to measure attributes that are relevant to effective performance at work, such as analysis, problem solving, decision-making and ability to develop new skills. They are widely used for recruitment purposes because they measure your ability to work with information that is critical to most roles, such as reports, emails, financial results, data and charts. The five types of psychometric test used in Big Four application processes are as follows:


  • Numerical reasoning
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Diagrammatic reasoning
  • Inductive reasoning
  • Personality questionnaires & Myers Briggs Type Indicators


With the help of our consultants, who have previously work ed for Big Four firms, we have come up with the most relevant practice questionnaires on the market. All of our practice tests have been specifically designed to mimic the ones used by Big Four firms and by practicing these tests you will surely gain a head start against other job applicants. You will sit 10 mock exams for each reasoning test under timed conditions at our premises and will receive a set of model answers afterwards.


Practice Free Big 4 Aptitude Test

Numerical, Verbal and Inductive Reasoning free tests



About Us

Green Turn is the market leader and the only specialist company worldwide that offers specific training on how to secure a Big Four job delivered by former employees of the companies in question. We have fifteen years’ experience of successfully fast-tracking people like you into positions with the top companies and regularly receive positive feedback on our training methods. By purchasing our preparation packs, you are gaining access to an invaluable network of former Big Four employees who have the required knowledge and desire to advance you into a dream job. We pride ourselves on our clients’ 90-to-100% pass rates and it’s in our interests that you achieve employment so that the retention level stays high. Everyone wants to assure themselves of a financially comfortable future, without the stress of worrying about how to make ends meet, and a job with a Big Four firm is the perfect opportunity to do just that. Our experts look forward to engaging with you, so make a purchase now!  


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