PWC Student Talent Questionnaire STQ & OPQ Tests To Pass In First Attempt


PWC Student Talent Questionnaire: Pass at Your First Attempt


Congratulations on successfully submitting your registration form! Approximately 45% of applicants won’t have made it this far, so you’re already doing very well! Now it’s time to take it to the next level. Stage two of the PWC job application procedure is for you to either take an online work based assessment Student Test Questionnaire called ‘PWC STQs test’ and PWC Occupational Personality Questionnaire 'PWC OPQ test'.



PWC Student Talent Questionnaire and PWC Personality Test Preparation:

After choosing a convenient date from the options offered to you by PWC, you will typically have one week to prepare. As we all know, job tests can be daunting and how can you be fully confident of putting in a perfect performance if you lack Big Four experience? As long as you can demonstrate passion and endeavor, we will give you the support you need to land your dream job.


PWC Aptitude Reasoning Test Guidance Video Tutorial!




PWC Student Talent Questionnaire and OPQ Test Competency Criteria:

PWC have designed the student talent questionnaire and OPQ tests to assess you against the PWC Professional Framework abilities criteria. This process is intense and challenging, so you must be able to withstand pressure. Our training will ensure that you are fully confident and prepared for any eventuality. Imagine the embarrassment and panic caused by ‘freezing up’ during the PWC STQ & PWC OPQ, and you’ll realise just how important this is.


Although PWC do list key competencies criteria on their website, they don’t provide many details on the initial and follow-up questions you can expect to face. However, you can draw on the experience of our experts, who have previously worked for Big Four firms, to give you a major advantage in this area.




PWC Student Talent Questionnaire Details:

The relevant STQ test and PWC OPQs have been developed for the company by SHL, a renowned global HR consultancy that publishes various psychometric tests for PWC worldwide.


PWC Occupational Personality Questionnaire and PWC student talent questionnaire are based on work-related scenarios, rather than being just another generic personality test. You will be presented with various scenarios and a selection of actions you can take to deal with the situations, in multiple choice format. Scenarios are designed to simulate occurrences that the successful applicant is likely to encounter when they begin work as a trainee. There is no time restriction set to complete the test but we advice candidates to aim to complete the PWC OPQ 100 scenario in 45 minutes, the STQ 21 scenarios in 15 minutes as the time duration is monitored by PWC.


PWC will not provide you with an informational booklet in preparation for this stage, so you need the relevant information and guidance well in advance. Do not think that you can successfully guess your way through the student talent questionnaire and occupational personality questionnaire, as you will be sorely mistaken.




PWC Student Talent Questionnaire and Occupational Personality Questionnaire Results:

Your performance during the student talent questionnaire STQ and OPQ will be kept on permanent record and used during PWC’s final deliberations to determine whether or not you have got the job. It’s more than possible to successfully get through this stage by attaining a passing grade, yet fail to secure employment when PWC recruiters take a look at your collective performances over the whole application process.


PWC grade your ability on each stage between 1 point and 5. It is assumed by PWC that if an applicant can demonstrate ‘core capabilities’ and attain the full 5 marks during the student talent questionnaire process then they automatically become a perfect match for the firm.


This means you need to score the maximum 5 points on every single stage to set yourself apart from rival job seekers and cannot afford to take a job test without having been properly prepared by Green Turn.




The Green Turn Preparation Pack:

Our research findings show that one fifth of applicants fail PWC’s student talent questionnaire, which in practice means that they have basically ruined their chances of ever securing a job with the firm. You are in a race against time – vacancies are quickly filled due to the major salary and status benefits provided by Big Four companies. Give your chances a serious boost by purchasing our preparation pack, which includes:


  • Specific scenario-based mock exams containing practice questions and answers on PWC work related scenario Student Talent Questions Test (PWC STQ) and PWC Occupational Personality Questionnaire Test (PWC OPQ), and guidance on the best way to respond
  • Guidance on the PWC key competencies criteria that you will be assessed against during the student talent questionnaire
  • Full information and guidance on pass and fail criteria, with a detailed marking scheme guide for the PWC STQ and PWC OPQ
  • 24/7 online access to our personalised simulation programmes, so you can practice for the real test at your convenience
  • A sample questions and answers pack, containing detailed guidance on the questions that you will be faced with and the best approach to answering them
  • Advanced and detailed performance reports, so you can check how you’re progressing at any time


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In Conclusion:

Green Turn is the market leader and the only specialist company worldwide that offers specific training on how to secure a Big Four job delivered by former employees of the companies in question. We have fifteen years’ experience of successfully fast-tracking people like you into positions with the top companies and regularly receive positive feedback on our training methods. By purchasing our preparation packs, you are gaining access to an invaluable network of former Big Four employees who have the required knowledge and desire to advance you into a dream job. We pride ourselves on our clients’ 90-to-100% pass rates and it’s in our interests that you achieve employment so that the retention level stays high.




Buy PWC Student Talent Questionnaire STQ and PWC Occupational Personality Test Preparation Course Now!

Everyone wants to assure themselves of a financially comfortable future, without worrying how to make ends meet, and a job with PWC is the perfect opportunity to do just that. You can access the secrets of realising your dream, our experts look forward to engaging with you, so register with us now and let’s start work!



Customer Reviews


 STQ and OPQ Course Review Comments


"Your material is precise and to the point. You saved me several hours of unnecessary preparation. I practiced Green Turn aptitude test on the simulation for two hours and already understood the passing mechanism."

   Successful PWC Audit Applicant


 STQ and OPQ Course Review Comments


"A+++ Your course book on PWC Aptitude Test Pack is a MUST to practice for everyone. I started of scoring just under 40% in aptitude test but with the help of your advanced practice simulation I attained above 95% in few hours. Take a Free Test to taste for yourself truly an Artificial Intelligence."

   Successful PWC Advisory Applicant


 STQ and OPQ Course Review Comments


"Wow ! Its amazing to learn the techniques used by PWC to screen out one candidate from another. I received a pack of 50 numerical reasoning questions and more or less same for verbal reasoning and diagrammatic reasoning test from Green Turn. SHL practice test were basics compared to Green Turn's hard learned simulation. I only practiced Green Turn aptitude test packs twice and managed to completely nailed the online numerical and verbal reasoning test. Worth every penny highly recommended."

   Successful PWC Tax Applicant


 STQ and OPQ Course Review Comments


"I passed PWC assessment centre with the help of the Green Turn. Your online test simulation has proved quite useful in my preparation. I sat Numerical and Diagrammatic reasoning test at PWC reading office 18 questions in 20 minutes, coming from economics background I thought initially I would fail PWC test but coaching with Green Turn ex big four manager really helped in my success and confidence building. Recommended to all my friends on Facebook."

   Successful PWC Consulting Applicant


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